Monday, January 16, 2012

College . . . .

Well, this month, we took Austin to college. Here is how it went . . . we got back from Mexico and he was packed and ready to go on Monday. It was Martin Luther King Day on Monday and so no one had school. We loaded up the car and headed over to Boise to the University Suites. He was so excited and ready to move out and be on his own. It was quite the adjustment for mom though!!! I cried for at least a week 1/2. I can't be that old right??? I was happy for him but just sad that the time has flown by so fast and that I feels so different at home without him here. I am so proud of Austin and the decisions he has made in his life and am looking forward to watching him grow up. Life changes too quickly and I am realizing how precious life can really be!!!

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