Sunday, May 18, 2008

My Children

Doug and I have been married now for 16 year. What an adventure it has been. We are so blessed with the things we enjoy in life and are busy as ever with the kids. Doug is partners with K.C. Lane in a construction business and they are doing great! I am a Star Director with Scentsy Wickless Candles and am enjoying every moment doing my own business, being busy mom and having a little time to myself during the days.

Our oldest son Austin is 15 and quickly turning into a young man. He still plays the cello and is really good. Austin loves sporst. He just finished up Soccer and is now getting ready for Basketball and then Lacrosse. He is way taller than mom and likes to brag about it. He keeps us learning teenage parenting skills on a daily basis.

Lexi is the only girl and stuck in the middle. She is an 8th grader this year at Jefferson. She is the smarty pants of the family. She loves to dance and is becoming very good. Lexi has many friends and enjoys spending time with them. She loves to scrapbook and do crafts. She is a great singer and is always humming a tune around the house.

Caden is our youngest and last child. He loves football, basketball and street surfing. He is in the 4th grade ALP class at Wilson. He is in his 2nd year of Piano Lessons and is a quick learner. He is a strong minded child and will do anything to get out of helpin!! He is my cuddle kid. He loves to sit close to you and be touching you.

This is our family and though we may not feel it everyday, we all love each other, the greatest blessings in each others lives and the most rewarding at the end of each day!!!


Lyndsee Bates said...

Very cute kids!!! GOOD JOB LEXI!!!! You've got it down!!!!

The Royce's said...

Nice! Did Lexi do this? Looks good!! Keep it up! Love you guys!!


Cassie, I'm so excited that you got some pic's on your blog! (or should I give the credit to Lexi?)Now, I'll be checking in regularly to see how well you keep up on it!! :0) J/K!